Airflow Tutorial - Sensors | What are Airflow sensors | How sensors Work | Examples | s3keysensor
Hello Data Pros, In our previous blog, we explored the power of Airflow Variables and Connections and how to use them effectively in your Dags. Today, we're going to deep dive into the world of Airflow sensors! As we mentioned already, Airflow sensors are a special type of operator that are designed to wait for a specific condition to be met! At regular intervals, they check to see if the condition is met. Once it’s met, the corresponding task is marked successful, allowing their downstream tasks to execute. Sensors make your Dags more event-driven, scattering use cases such as when a task needs to wait for a file to be created, Or a database table to be updated, or an external API to become available. Here is a simple Dag consisting of two tasks. The first task uses S3KeySensor, which waits for a file to be available in the AWS S3 bucket. Once the file is ready, the next task loads the file into a Snowflake table. Let's see how it works in the Airflow ...